Chiar daca in decursul anilor reusise sa ii rapeasca statutul de prima cadana a sultanului si o si exilase, ea era totusi mama primului print al sultanului, Mustafa, cel care in cazul in care sultanul murea urma sa devina sultan si sa o ucida pe ea si pe fii sai.

Datorita intrigilor pe care reusea sa le creeze, dar si cu ajutorul aliatilor si al persoanelor datoare la ea, Hurrem reuseste sa ii creeze lui Mustafa reputatia de tradator si astfel sa il faca pe Suleyman sa isi ucida propriul copil.

Although over the years managed to kidnap status first odalisque Sultan and and exile, she was still my mother first prince of Sultan Mustafa, who when the sultan died after becoming sultan and to kill her and his sons.

Because intrigues that managed to create, but with the help of allies and people owe her, manages to create Hurra Mustafa reputation make him a traitor and so on Suleyman to kill his own child.
Long circulated among the population and vaptul as Roxelana would be mighty Sultan Suleyman spells, incantations and potions using. people believed that the Sultan was so obedient ii beverages and charms made only because of it.
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