Baiazid a fost fiul Sultanului Soliman Magnificul si al Sultanei Hurrem, s-a nascut in anul 1525. fratii lui Mustafa, Mehmet si Cihangir au murit inaintea sa, iar tronul i-a ramas printului Selim.
Baiazid a guvernat intr-un sangeac din regiunea Anatolia ca guvernator.

Cu toate acestea atunci cand tatal sau a plecat in campania de la Nahicevan, el a fost desemnat sa conduca in Instanbul pentru a putea controla Rumelia, vorbim despre anul 1553.
In timpul campaniei fratele sau cel mare Mustafa a fost ucis din ordinul sultanului. In aceeasi perioada un fals Mustafa a pornit o rebeliune in regiunea Rumelia, atunci Baiazid l-a prins si la adus in fata tatalui sau Suleiman. 
Sultan Bayazid was the son of the Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent and Hurra, was born in 1525. His brothers Mustafa, Mehmet and Cihangir had gone before, and the throne Prince Selim bye.
Bayezid governed in a sanjakbeg Anatolia region governor.
However when his father went to campaign in Nakhichevan, he was appointed to lead in Istanbul to control Rumelia, talking about 1553.

During the campaign eldest brother Mustafa was killed on the orders of Sultan. In the same period a fake Mustafa started a rebellion in the region of Eastern Rumelia, then Bayezid caught and brought before his father Suleiman.
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