Dupa cativa ani tanara a fost mutata in maretul harem din Instanbul, istoria ne spune ca ea se afla in harem deja de 2 ani, cand maretul Suleyman Legiuitorul urca pe tron.
In perioada petrecuta in harem Roxelana invatase totul despre lumea in care intrase, una dintre regulile pe care le impunea haremul era ca toate servitoarele crestine rapite in timpul raidurilor sa se converteasca la islam.
Anastasia spre deosebire de restul slujnicelor a aratat inca de la inceput un interes special pentru islam, astfel dupa trecerea anilor ea a ridicat o moschee in Instanbul, dar deja trecem peste cateva momente foarte importante din viata sultanei. Tanara a reusit in timp sa se faca apreciata de catre Sultana mama si sa il atraga de partea ei pe eunucul responsabil cu haremul.
Datorita acestui lucru Roxelana a ajuns sa fie prezentata maretului Sultan, ea insa s-a straduit sa ii castige afectiunea si astfel sa devina favorita lui.After a few years younger was moved to the great harem in Istanbul , history tells us that it is already two years in the harem , when the great legislator Suleyman the throne . In stint in harem Roxelana Learn all about the world entered one of the rules we impose harem maids were all kidnapped during raids Christian to convert to Islam.
Anastasia unlike other maids showed from the beginning a special interest in Islam , so after years she built a mosque in Istanbul , but already go over some very important moments in the life of Sultan. Young managed to make while appreciated by Sultana mother and her side attracts the harem eunuch charge .
Because of this it came to be presented Roxelana mighty Sultan , but she struggled to gain their affection and thus become his favorite.
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